Yes, I'm alive (but thanks for asking!). I'm just wicked busy (wicked, for those of you not from Maine, means VERY) and haven't had time to blog.
I've been running around trying to get stuff fixed on my car so that it will pass inspection. Mostly because the nice police officer who has stopped me three times to tell me that my inspection sticker expired in April is getting a teensy bit cranky. I think he was cranky because the last time he stopped me near a swamp and as he approached my car he was attacked by swarms of mosquitoes. This last time he mentioned that he had better not see me again - which I thought was kinda mean, considering we had become such good friends and all.
AND, in other news, after months and months and months of no luck on the job seeking front, I have two interviews this week. Anybody who wants to pray or meditate or send positive ions into the atmosphere around 2 pm tomorrow (Wednesday) or 1 pm on Friday, feel free! One of them requires me to run around and create a new portfolio of my work, which is a giant pain in the butt. The other one required a detailed online application that I swear to you took 3 and a half hours to complete. Still, if it results in a job, it will be a good thing, so I'm trying not to whine.
I'm driving to the middle of nowhere to visit Alex on Thursday, so I'll be away from the computer quite a bit this week. Hopefully I'll be able to catch up with everybody in the early mornings - but don't blame me if my comments are a little odd. Sometimes my brain doesn't engage until around 9:00 AM.
Daniela and Rebel
45 minutes ago
Best of luck with the job interviews!!!
The cop has given you three warnings??? You guys really must be great friends! I've never heard of such a thing!
that cop must like you! I got stopped a week ago and my stickers were only expired by 2 weeks. And he gave me 2 tickets, totalling $180!
He said he'll drop the charges if I fix the car, pass inspection, go to court and plead not guilty and show proof the inspection is legal.
I am so excited for your job interviews, and you can count on me for the ion-letting-into-the-atmosphere at both times. I should be looking for a job right now, too...but I am justifying not starting quite yet by saying I need some time to grieve the loss of my current one. Yup, that's it. Grief. :)
And have a good time on your trip to the middle of nowhere, too. Sometimes nowhere beats the hell outta somewhere!
A visit with Alex, YIPPEE!
Glad that your busy...BUT, we still need a visit!
Good, good, good luck to you! I hope you get the job you want the most.
Positive ions, positive ions, positive ions......there they have been let loose.
Enjoy your visit with Alex, enjoy the drive to the middle of nowhere. Remember it's not the destination, it's the journey. But I am thinking in this case, it'st eh destination!
I can't believe you got three warnings! Here we would get a dirty look and a ticket. No questions asked and please ma'am, no comments.
One good thing about the job interview that requires a portfolio... you'll have an up to date portfolio.
Enjoy your trip to nowhere. Since Alex is there I know you'll enjoy it.
Is the officer good-looking as well as patient?
Good luck, or should I say break a leg, we are all pulling for you.
Wow, three times? maybe the 4th he will ask you out!
Anyway - good luck on the job front! Positive ions, prayers and whatever else are heading your way from Texas!
Good luck on your interviews!
Keep us posted on the job interviews. I wish you the very best!
Good luck, M.E. I am praying for you. Maybe when Michigan's unemployment rate drops below 25%, you could find a job here. We don't have car inspections anymore :)
Oh good luck with the job interviews! I hope that you break our bad-luck streak! :) Crossing my fingers for ya!
Good luck with your inspection! Those are yucky things to do. :)
2 job interviews! Yippee! Hope your next problem is choosing between the 2 jobs!
Good luck today ME.
Jesus Christ, if anyone deserves some great news it's you
Have fun with Alex
Oh, and if you tell me you've been stopped three times in Oxford, I'll kill you. I got stopped ONCE with an expired sticker and he fined me.
good luck! be safe and have fun... prayers on the job front
Andrew -
Yes it was in Oxford. He's always been nice to me. Did you show him your boobies?
I am sending positive thoughts, keeping my fingers crossed (hard while typing but you are so worth it!) and will do a "hire Mary Ellen dance" at the appropriate time. Good Luck. Either place would be oh, so lucky to hire you!
Good luck on the interviews! Have a great trip to visit.
So glad all is going well.
Good luck on the interviews....I need a job too but I don't even want to get started looking. I'll just work my 8 hours a week I still have. lol.
You are in my prayers!
I have been thinking of you and sending good job interview vibes your way!!
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