We've just had two sunny days in a row. TWO! It went a long way toward drying things up, but the ground is still saturated. At least the house doesn't feel damp any more, and I might even be able to mow some grass tomorrow.
Because it was the first sun we've had in about a month, I have been staying off the computer and trying to get some outside chores done. I've decided that if we're going to have precious little sunshine this summer, I'll have to take advantage and save my blogging for rainy days. The weather channel says that will happen soon enough. Arghh.
I have been applying for jobs at an amazing rate, so feel free to send some positive thoughts my way. And if anybody has any 'how to survive hot flashes' advice, I'd be thrilled to hear it. They're happening all day - and night - and are driving me batty. I don't know what I'll do if summer ever actually comes!
In the meantime, I hope you are well, and enjoying a rain-free summer. I can't wait to hear all about your adventures.
Daniela and Rebel
1 hour ago
I feel your pain - no, that isn't correct - I feel your warmth on the hot flashes. I just think that I am spending a brief moment on a tropical island. It has helped the past rainy weeks.
Positive thoughts being sent to your home!
Positive thoughts...positive thoughts...positive thoughts!!
I will be thinking of you! :)
hot flash central here...I hope you get some good advice that you can share! Sending good vibrations your way, and finger-crossing for extra good luck...;p
ME...take advantage of the nice days, while you can!
As for hot flashes...My feet get hot and the flash moves up..I find ice water helps, also taking daily vitamins.
Thinking +, thinking +, thinking +!
Had one yesterday, mine come when I don't eat right, or forget to eat at all. I feel like I'm gonna die.
Thank goodness for two days of sunshine. Darn that you may have to mow the lawn, but it's not a bad price to pay for having a little sun!
I hope you have continued sunshine and lots of job offers to choose from.
Definitely take advantage of the sunshine and get yourself some vitamin D!
Like you, I have been outside rather than at the computer...
And, you'll be pleased to know, I've actually turned from extremely white to a nice off white.
I can't wait for hot flashes.
whispering softly, 'happy birthday, M.E.'
May this new year of your life bring lots of love, mucho good health and tons of laughter!
God Bless!
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday, Mary Ellen!
Happy Birthday to you.
(Imagine the singing. It's really good in my imagination!)
Jeez...someone that is celebrating a birthday TODAY should not be mean. Making fun of my pop tarts AND threatening to donate at the last possible minute is just mean!!
Happy almost half century to you!!
Happiest of birthdays, M.E.!!!! Hope it's still sunny and dry there and that the hot flashes stay away today.
yay sun!
my friend was just telling me about e-lance, where you can bid on freelance jobs. have you checked it out?
and it's your b-day??? YAY! we get another year with you!
I don't know if you have the equivalent but GB bought me some 'hot weather cooling spray' from the chemist. Spray on hands and wrists and it cools one down.
Havent had hot flashes yet...if I get them I hope its in January.
I hear your pain about the rain. I'm so tired of it...but hate to complain in case it gets dry and doesn't rain again. I'm not having to add any water to the pool this summer, but I can't get it warm enough to swim in.
For some reason blogger isnt recognizing my password, the same password I have used for years.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! May your birthday be flash-free and full of sunshine! :)
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