I didn't get the job. I just got the call. The company filled the position without even interviewing me and ignoring the recommendation of the employment agency. The woman at the employment agency sounded upset and told me that they hired someone 'outside the process' which I guess means directly, and not through the agency.
I'm so frustrated. Every recruiter that I have interviewed with seems to love me, but getting to the next step has been difficult. I'm beginning to wonder if it's my age. I found out that one job that I missed out on a few months ago was because they wanted someone young. All my years of experience seem to be working against me - either because the company wants to 'mold someone' the way they want, or because they think they can pay them less. Little do they know that I'm willing to work for a lot less than I'm worth at this point.
So, back to the drawing board. I have several other irons in the fire, but this was one I was very hopeful about. Time to develop some new leads. I knew I should have made friends with rich people who own businesses when I was young and cute.
Daniela and Rebel
1 hour ago
An even better job is just around the corner for you... I just know it. One door closes, another one opens sort of thing.
I'm so sorry to hear this news, M.E.
Have you tried subbing in schools? Temporarily? You'd be on a school schedule and you can say 'no' now and then when they call you.
Total bummer. That really sucks.
Well, crud.
I'm sorry you didn't get the job.
Before becoming a SAHM, I was a Human Resources Manager. Unfortunately, for your current situation, anytime we could hire someone who was not through a recruiter/placement service, we did. They were very expensive! We often interviewed candidates from the services as well as ones that came through other searches, but if we had a qualified candidate that didn't have a fee attached to their hiring, that's who we hired. It's kind of a catch 22 for candidates, because the recruiters have the inside track on what jobs are out there, but then when/if others find the opening, too, they may have the advantage because they come with no expenses. Especially at a time when companies are trying so hard to save $$$$.
My point in telling you this is so that you don't take not getting a job personally. It's the company trying to save a few $$.
That sucks big time!
But like Under the Influence says, it's not you, it's the economy.
Just you wait and see, something will come your way, and you will be happy you had to wait.
Hang in there. You are SOOOOO worth hiring. Unfortunately, you are only dealing with asshats that haven't yet figured that out.
So sorry about this, but I hope this is just a way of allowing you to be available when the perfect opportunity falls into place.
Oh do I ever understand your pain! I am young and I can't get hired. It's the same deal with me, the recruiters all love me but I still can't get a freaking job! In a week I will officially be 1 YEAR without work! This totally sucks! I am so sorry cause I know how much looking for work takes out of you and how horrible it is. Boo! Their loss!
'young and cute'..boy does that ever come back to bite us doesn't it? Sorry ME, I know you were feeling hopeful about this one. I think you are right though, they want the young, stupid ones that they can 'mold'...keeping good thoughts for you. jj
so sorry about the no job. There is a perfect one out there just for you.Hang in there.
ME... I am so very sorry.
I'll be praying for a new door to open for you.
Oh ME, I am so sorry. But you know, as much as you wanted that job it must not have been the one for you. Your perfect fit is still out there!
that sucks... but I have faith the right job will find you :) HUGS
There has to be a job waiting for you around the corner. What kind of work do you do?
Checking in and catching up. Sorry that you had such a disappointment. I'm sure you know that something better is out there for you. And you deserve nothing less than that. Hang in there. And know you've got a lot of us rooting for you!
NOOOOOO!!!! It certainly sounded like you had the job. I am sorry, M.E. I'm still praying.
We have a word for that here...
That stinks. It must mean that there is something better for you coming!
I am sorry about the job. My husband was unemployed, then under-employed for a couple of years recently, and it is scary. My older daughter works from home as a writer/copywriter/proofreader. Put an online resume on for something like that (you're obviously well qualified for writing!) and see what happens.
Also, I linked to you today.
Checking in, hope you';re not too down.
Have you signed up on these sites?
also, check with your employment insurance office. they may have grants or extensions on your benefitsif you start your own freelance biz...
I'm sorry. :(
Like everyone else, I'm so sorry you didn't get the job. And also like everyone else, I truly believe that there is a better one out there for you. Of course, that is no consolation to you NOW.
I completely agree with everything you said, and I am absolutely sure I will run into the exact same thing. Really looking forward to it! I just hold on to the fact that always, with jobs, things have worked out okay--and I just hope that continues! And I hope the same for you.
It's not you; it's the economy. There is so much more competition for jobs, but don't give up. You are one smart and articulate woman. It will happen.
I'm really sorry.
Have you thought about freelance reporting?
I hate it when the system is circumvented. If they're going to do that, they should at least let you know so you don't bother! GRrrr. I know the right job will come. Don't worry.
Arg! Don't they realize that people get better with age? I wouldn't want to hire some young irresponsible flit of a person if I could hire an awesome experienced one like you. What are they thinking? They wanna go out of business???
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