Time for Friday Fragments again. This is the place where I can spill all the weird and random things that occur to me while I'm stirring the spaghetti sauce or waxing my legs. FF were invented by a really sweet and funny lady, Mrs. 4444 over at Half Past Kissin' Time. Go check her out and see who else is playing with us this week.
* I read somewhere that the brain of a woman eating chocolate looks exactly like the brain of a woman during sex. That makes total sense to me. In particular, I find Ghirardelli dark chocolate mint squares very, um, satisfying.
* In the town that I live in there is a speedway, about 2.5 miles from my house, where races are held several nights a week during the warmer months – stock cars, modified, trucks, you name it. One weekend in July there’s a huge race – the Oxford Plains 250 – that is very popular. About 10 days beforehand, campers start arriving in town and begin parking on any patch of ground within a mile of the speedway, including the fields on both sides and the edges of the parking lot. There are literally hundreds of them, and they’re everywhere. It’s like a little community (we call it Trailer Village) and the beer is a-flowin’. There’s no actual campground facilities, but the speedway opens their bathroom facilities to the folks. I have no idea what they do about showers (and I don’t want to know.) The traffic in town gets crazy and the police force of our little town has to work triple overtime. It’s happening this weekend, and I’m going to take a drive or a walk through and get some pictures – I’m hoping to find the guy who makes a hot tub out of the back of his pickup truck – he’s my favorite.
* I’m getting pretty used to being home alone during the day. Tuesday I was wandering around the house after my shower – in just my underwear – when I noticed the FedEx truck driving away. There was a package in my mudroom. The guy had to walk right past my wide-open kitchen windows to get to the mudroom. The kitchen where I was dancing around in my unmentionables, singing along to Love Shack on my Ipod. Poor guy was probably scarred for life. I thought he drove away kinda fast.
* I’m housesitting this weekend for a friend of mine who has a litter of puppies she needs to have someone keep an eye on. I am making the supreme sacrifice to help her out, because I'm just a wonderfully caring friend. Did I mention that she has a gorgeous in-ground pool with a Tiki bar and outdoor fireplace? I know, I know. I’m just a giver.
* For those of you keeping track, this past week we have had more non-rainy days than rainy ones. Unbelievable. It wasn’t all sunshine, but it hardly rained at all. You can almost feel the pallor lifting from the whole state. Welcome to Vacationland.
* In the town that I live in there is a speedway, about 2.5 miles from my house, where races are held several nights a week during the warmer months – stock cars, modified, trucks, you name it. One weekend in July there’s a huge race – the Oxford Plains 250 – that is very popular. About 10 days beforehand, campers start arriving in town and begin parking on any patch of ground within a mile of the speedway, including the fields on both sides and the edges of the parking lot. There are literally hundreds of them, and they’re everywhere. It’s like a little community (we call it Trailer Village) and the beer is a-flowin’. There’s no actual campground facilities, but the speedway opens their bathroom facilities to the folks. I have no idea what they do about showers (and I don’t want to know.) The traffic in town gets crazy and the police force of our little town has to work triple overtime. It’s happening this weekend, and I’m going to take a drive or a walk through and get some pictures – I’m hoping to find the guy who makes a hot tub out of the back of his pickup truck – he’s my favorite.
* I’m getting pretty used to being home alone during the day. Tuesday I was wandering around the house after my shower – in just my underwear – when I noticed the FedEx truck driving away. There was a package in my mudroom. The guy had to walk right past my wide-open kitchen windows to get to the mudroom. The kitchen where I was dancing around in my unmentionables, singing along to Love Shack on my Ipod. Poor guy was probably scarred for life. I thought he drove away kinda fast.
* I’m housesitting this weekend for a friend of mine who has a litter of puppies she needs to have someone keep an eye on. I am making the supreme sacrifice to help her out, because I'm just a wonderfully caring friend. Did I mention that she has a gorgeous in-ground pool with a Tiki bar and outdoor fireplace? I know, I know. I’m just a giver.
* For those of you keeping track, this past week we have had more non-rainy days than rainy ones. Unbelievable. It wasn’t all sunshine, but it hardly rained at all. You can almost feel the pallor lifting from the whole state. Welcome to Vacationland.
yay for sunshine, ick for the campers in trailerville, do you need help with the house-sitting? Uh-oh for the Fed-ex guy but totally hilarious...gotta go now and get me some chocolate, dark...ummmm..;p
Dark chocolate is simply THE best! Nothing compares!
It is so nice to know thhat people as yourself, still exist in this world. People willing to help a neighbor. So very sweet :)
Hooray for Sunshine!!!!
Make it a good Friday!
they say the brain of a man having sex looks exactly the same as a man doing anything else, even sleeping
and remarkably a lot like the brain of a pig's, coincidentally
the only time Oxford's police work triple overtime is when there's a three-for-one sale at Dunkin Donuts
Did you really use the words Love Shack, underwear, and package in the same story?
I wonder what the chocolate equivalent is for men? If you find out will you let me know please...
Lol, i dance around in my unmentionables all the time while getting dressed - but I don't have Love Shack on my MP3 - but maybe a little Night Fever!
and mmmmm chocolate /peanut butter anything could possibly produce the same sex like feeling:))
Chocolate can be satisfying, can't it? ;) And LOL on Andrew's comment!! :)
There's a speedway near where our friends used to live - it could get crazy during those times of year. Do try to get that hot-tub picture...sounds hilarious! ;)
LOL at dancing in your undies and seeing the FedEx truck driving away fast... ;)
That is so generous of you to house sit for the friend...I mean, someone needs to also keep watch over the pool, tiki bar and outdoor fireplace, right? ;)
Yay for non-rainy days! Well, except that we could use some...Mother Nature has been falling down on the job watering my plants... ;)
Happy FF! :)
That just made my day! And Ghirardelli dark chocolate mint squares are some of my personal favorites. And the guy with the hot-tub pick-up? Maybe I could try that with mine someday! Or maybe not.
Dancing in your undies for the FedEx guy! Too funny.
i do love chocolate too! Bet that fed-ex guy had the best story of the day to tell.
YES....I noticed the no rain, too. BUT, I had to actually water my plants ! I'm not used to doing that, so some of them look a little hungover. I just want things to be perfect.....Rain every other night from 10:00pm to 2:00 am....Then sun all day long, around 75-80 degrees. Eliminate March altogether and have fall go clear to Dec. 1st. Permanently exinctuate the mosquitos/black flies and then we have something to talk about.
Funny, funny story. I'll bet Fed Ex guys love their jobs!
And, hmmmmm..., I wonder if you'll end up with a new puppy at your house???
Ah, the FedEx guy will have a great story to tell this weekend, though something tells me he has plenty already, given his line of work :)
So glad you've finally got some sunshine (to add to the enjoyment of that pool!) Don't forget to take pics of the pups, too! :)
Ha! I love that the Fed Ex man caught you. I wonder what else those men see, lol
I agree about the chocolate thing Ghirardelli dark chocolate ROCKS! And next time, lock your doors if you're gonna run around putting on naked concerts. Too funny!
So that is why I'm eating chocolate all the time...no man here!
I would actually love to be among the peeps at Trailer Village, shower or no shower facilities...that would mean I am not dealing with the water stuffies going on here.
Heaven forbid I should dance dressed like that if any one were within a mile of my house...ugh, the visual.
I wanna help take care of puppies..I miss having puppies around, having an in ground swimming pool to take care of wouldn't be bad at all either.
Having driven for UPS in one of my former careers I can tell you that UPS and FedEx drivers always drive away fast. Of course, not actually having been there, I don't know if he might have put his foot in it a little more than usual...
Were you doing the Tom Cruise 'air guitar' thing while dancing in the kitchen?
And now I know why I'm craving chocolates more than when I was younger.
i am totally cracking up about the FedEx guy!!!! He should start a blog. Can you imagine all the things they must see?!
Enjoy your pool and tiki bar. What time should we be over?
Oh my gosh, a litter of puppies? I would be in heaven!
I think the race (and the people) sound like fun -- especially since they stay for only a short while.
Puppy sitting could be exhausting. Glad you will have appropriate recovery agents.
Now, off to find some chocolate.
After reading your story about the FedEx man, I gotta say I'm not all that sad about being in an apartment with no windows facing my front door!
Have fun with the puppies and enjoy the sunshine!
You are just so funny and I needed your post so much for a laugh today...thank you !
Ooooh! I'm loving the Friday Fragments! So glad I found your blog! I'll be chuckling for a while about the package man catching you dancing in your skivvies ... he's probably STILL talking about that! :)
BTW I'm also an adoptee who has not found her birthparents .. I'm trying to screw up the courage to learn more, so I can identify a lot with your feelings about being adopted.
Great blog!!
lol I am also used to being home alone all day and then I realized that my windows are all open and the people outside can hear me singing at the top of my lungs! Ha ha ha ha
I love love love the chocolate and mint combo and will definitely have to seek out some... :)
The FedEx guy wasn't my brother was he? I haven't seen him for a few days (yes I know, we live in the same house...it doesn't mean we talk) so I haven't heard any stories...
At least you were wearing underwear. :)
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