Welcome to Friday Fragments, the place to unload all those odd, random thoughts you might have while you're watching the rain fall day after day after day. Mrs. 4444, from Half Past Kissin' Time, is the hostess of this party, and she's probably a lot sunnier than I am, so go check her out.
* I’ve been watching reruns of The West Wing (since I’m stuck in the house up here in rainy Vacationland) and noticed that a bunch of actors from that show have gone on to star in their own TV shows. As a matter of fact, I think USA network’s entire original programming schedule includes actors that used to be on the West Wing.
* Alex, who’s away for the summer, has actually called me several times. I don’t know if somebody is prodding him to call, but I don’t care. It is so wonderful to hear his voice on the phone, especially because he initiated the call. I sent him up a couple of care packages (snacks that he likes, a computer game, a favorite shirt he forgot) and he called to say thank you, but a couple of times he just called to chat. Un-freaking-believable. It made my heart all squishy inside.
* If you were planning to visit our beautiful state for vacation this year, you might want to wait a while. They announced on the news that it has rained 24 out of the last 27 days. The ground is so saturated that people who live on the edge of hills, cliffs or water frontage are being encouraged to check the stability of the land their houses are on. THE STABILITY OF THE LAND UNDER THEIR HOUSE for Pete’s sake. You might wake up and find that your house is in the lake. Nice. Aren't you just dying to come visit? Maybe you could rent a cabin on a lake. One that's actually ON the lake. Vacation memories in the making.
* On the plus side, we’re saving on bottled water. We’re hardly going through it at all. I think we may be absorbing so much liquid through the humidity level of the air, so who needs to drink anything?
* I may have mentioned this before, but I think that commercials for things we can’t get up here should be banned from my TV. If I see one more Sonic commercial, I may scream. We can’t go to Sonic. THERE ARE NO SONICS. There are no Cici’s Pizza buffets, either. Stop telling me about them.
* Alex, who’s away for the summer, has actually called me several times. I don’t know if somebody is prodding him to call, but I don’t care. It is so wonderful to hear his voice on the phone, especially because he initiated the call. I sent him up a couple of care packages (snacks that he likes, a computer game, a favorite shirt he forgot) and he called to say thank you, but a couple of times he just called to chat. Un-freaking-believable. It made my heart all squishy inside.
* If you were planning to visit our beautiful state for vacation this year, you might want to wait a while. They announced on the news that it has rained 24 out of the last 27 days. The ground is so saturated that people who live on the edge of hills, cliffs or water frontage are being encouraged to check the stability of the land their houses are on. THE STABILITY OF THE LAND UNDER THEIR HOUSE for Pete’s sake. You might wake up and find that your house is in the lake. Nice. Aren't you just dying to come visit? Maybe you could rent a cabin on a lake. One that's actually ON the lake. Vacation memories in the making.
* On the plus side, we’re saving on bottled water. We’re hardly going through it at all. I think we may be absorbing so much liquid through the humidity level of the air, so who needs to drink anything?
* I may have mentioned this before, but I think that commercials for things we can’t get up here should be banned from my TV. If I see one more Sonic commercial, I may scream. We can’t go to Sonic. THERE ARE NO SONICS. There are no Cici’s Pizza buffets, either. Stop telling me about them.
* I was trying on my sandals – pretending that it was nice enough outside to wear them – and found something troubling. My left foot no longer fits in any of the sandals I wore just last year. I guess whatever happened to my foot this past winter (coincidentally the thing that still hurts like a bastard) has caused it to grow. It’s noticeably bigger than my right foot. Hmmm. I hope that doesn’t start happening to other parts of my body. Maybe I have some disease that makes everything on my left side bigger – foot, ear, hand, boob? Boy, I really hope it doesn’t affect my left ass cheek – that’s already plenty big enough. Not that attractive, I guess, but I wonder if I could get my own TLC special?
Actually, we haven't had any rain since can't remember when. It's a little fresher today, but still too hot to actually do anything. One day, or so they tell us, the heat wave will pass. What a pity we can't mix it up a bit and exchange a few hours' of what we've too much of for some of what we could appreciate right now!
ME...I'm so glad you have heard from Alex, boys are tough on our hearts at times! But, oh...can they cause our hearts to soar!
We had a lot of rain the first half of June in Maryland, finally it has stopped. Two of our tomato plants drowned, even my Weeping Willow trees have powdery mildew!
Hang in there!
Tonight on TLC's "My Left Foot", Mary Ellen checks to see if the ground beneath her house is stable...
Anyway, I think it's great that Alex calls, and I doubt he's being prodded.
I think I told you this, but I can't watch West Wing. Whenever I do, I throw everything I;ve ever written into the toilet and I consider becoming a waiter
If you now have one freakishly deforemd and ginormous foot, I'm not sure we can hagn out together anymore. I mean, one HUGE foot? What will people say? And does it make you just walk in circles?
Love ya,
Weird that your foot grew?
That's a lot of rain!
'we have no sonics!' lol!
We have regular landslides and such here. It's weird, and scary!
I wish I could send you some of our dry right now. It's too much heat for me, but I dare not complain, I'm afraid of what might happen.
YAY! for phone calls from sons! (I love it when my daughter calls me)
I'm with you on that commercial thing where they advertise things that aren't htere. I have no clue where a Sonics is here. Or Cici's, I think we have enough pizza places though, but a Sonics might be nice. (Hey! There ya go, Franchise a Sonics in your area, then forget about all those online applications!!!)
I can't imagine having that much rain. Might as well live in a rainforest.
Your foot grew? Strange. Although, when I was around 19 or 20 my feet grew out of the blue. I wore a 7 or 7.5 forever, and now I wear 8.
I hear you about the commercials. There are no DQ's here, and yet I have to watch their commercials about Blizzards. Grrr . . .
Happy F.F.!
Yeah, they always show Macy's commercials here..and we don't have a Macy's. No Sonics. And Rain. That's really sad.
Sweet son! I hope mine do that - or at least one of them does.
Is your foot swollen still? Try some ice, maybe it will shrink some. You can hope, right?
Enjoy the weekend.
Prior to yesterday would have said Maine has had our rain as well but it sure let rip yesterday! I thibnk we got the whole of July's in one day.
Summer is so full of fragments, isn’t it? At least we appreciate the sun when it shines. Sorry to hear about your foot - what a drag. Don't give way to despair.
Glad you're hydrated, but hope the land under your home is secure!
Have a great holiday weekend and, uh drink an extra Sonic smoothie for me - you know, after you drive a million miles to find the one that's "local". ;)
Come to Vegas. It hardly rains here and we have CiCi's and Sonic!!
Hope you have a great 4th of July weekend :)
Omigosh! I've never heard of that swollen foot thing. Have you seen a doctor? That's really odd.
Pretty gray in these parts, too, lately, but it's supposed to be nice for the 4th :) Here's hoping you get that sunshine in a day or so :)
Glad your boy's keeping in touch. I'd go crazy missing him (my Kyle will be gone FIVE weeks coming up pretty soon.)
YOU CRACK ME UP! I hope your left side is doing well!!!
a TLC special, hell I think you could get an entire reality series on TLC...ya know with the foot and the rain and all...hmmmm, maybe there is a connection there..;p
Oh my goodness. I have missed you more than I can say. You and your ginormous left foot. Happy 4th.
Happy Independence Day!
I am not surprised that Alex is keeping in touch - you raised a great kid!
Send the rain to Georgia! We need it!
If you look out and see animals marching down the street two by two, GET OUT...
I could never live where you live with all of that rain!!! I would get absolutely depressed!
Hey, M.E., it wouldn't be that bad if one side of you got bigger ! You could be featured on Hallie's Morbid Monday blog entry !!! Heck, I would even look at it, since I've stopped looking at it recently, too freaky for even me. I check in on Tuesdays.....
See, it ain't all bad!!
I felt the same way about comercials on tv showing food when I was in the hospital and could not eat they were the worst
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