Well, I didn't find a notary yesterday. Thank you for all the suggestions. I did find out there are notaries at my bank, but there were none in yesterday (I guess the two feet of snow made it difficult for some people to get to work - bunch of wusses!) So today I will try again, and if there aren't any at the bank, at least I have several other options. I also managed to find out that I can bring my notarized application, along with my altered birth certificate and my check for $10 to the state office of Vital Records on January 2nd, and I SHOULD be handed a copy of my original birth certificate. It sounds so simple, but it is so NOT, as you all know.
One week from Friday is the day. Ten days from now. I can hardly even get my head around that idea. It's hard to believe that one part of this journey is almost over, yet, when it is, the next part is likely to be even more crazy and emotional. I hope I'm prepared for it all. Sometimes I think I can't stand to wait even one more minute.
Luckily, I have lots to do between now and then. And Jesus' birthday to celebrate. And I have some terrific people to help distract me. One of the best distractors I know is my oldest son, who's 21 and currently on break from college, so he's around a bit more than usual. He's got such a quirky sense of humor that you can't help laugh when you're around him. I don't know if I've ever known someone better at finding humor in every little thing than he does. Witness this conversation we had a couple of days ago:
ME: You know, with me being unemployed, Christmas presents are not going to be what they have been in other years.
B: (mock horrified tone, clutching chest) We're not getting Christmas presents?? Then what are all these things under the tree??
ME: They ARE presents, but they may not be as extravagant as you might expect.
B: We don't expect extravagant presents. We don't even LIKE extravagant presents. Wait - what does extravagant mean, anyway?
ME: Very funny, but I'm serious.
B: I'm serious too, but don't call me Shirley. (If you need this one explained, rent Airplane!)
ME: You can joke, but I don't want you to be disappointed if you open a gift and it's really really small.
B: Give me an example. We'll practice!
ME: Okay. Let's say you open a package and it has one sock in it. What would you say?
B: Whoo-Hoo! A new sock! Let me try it on!
ME: What if the next one has the other sock?
B: Phew! Now I don't have to let my feet take turns.
ME: What if it is just a pair of boxer shorts?
B: Whoo-Hoo! Underpants! (Shouting and gesturing that he is putting the underpants on his head like a hat). How do I look? (posing)
ME: Freak.
With a guy like that around, how can you be anything but happy? And don't worry - he's getting stuff much better than socks and underwear (although I am seriously considering wrapping up some socks, one per package, and putting them in his stocking.)
Bon Voyage!
2 hours ago
SO what you're saying is, when they;re no longer teenagers, they become funny again?
Dear Jesus, there is hope after all
Definitely, on the wrapping up of one sock per package! And then when your son is finished opening all of his socks and box(ers), would you lend him to me? I could use some laughs, as I seem to have misplaced my human being mojo and feel like a shadow of my former self. I don't think I could say anything funny, even if my life depended on it. If you don't believe me, just read this comment. Oy.
You're odd. He's odd. You are obviously related.
Where the hell are my magazines???
I LOVE fried rice :).
Magazines? From you she wants magazines? Yet I'm supposed to produce a PRADA. No fair!
ME...gotta love that mother-son relationship. I miss my sons! You are so very blessed!
I know I'm a bit late, but real estate offices often have notaries as well.
~AirmanMom returning to her blog...
**Snort*laugh*snort** -- you amuse me, too! You may accompany your son when he comes here to help me reclaim my mojo. HA!
Wow, it's coming up!
So that's what I have to look forward to as my three boys get older? Good, I like laughing!
How funny is your son????? OMG! That made me laugh out loud. Looks like he takes after mama. :)
And I'm thinking about you during these next ten days. I know they are emotional and exciting. And we're here to share the journey wherever it may take you.
That's great! I live through that with 5 in their early 20's. I found you on Mamarazzi.
You and the boy can take your little improv act on the road.
Merry Christmas and thanks for coming by my blog so much.
How can you NOT wrap one sock at a time? I mean really...
I cant wait to hear what happens next Friday! If I knew Kim wouldn't pull a re-run [pun intended] of last week I would drive up and kimnap her and we would drive (or fly if she could keep her composure) ou sorry asses to ME to party with you and Halle when you get handed the golden ticket!
But I digress... she has become an alien, or animal, or some sort of plant life, as her HUMAN mojo has gone missing...
It was fun whilst I was planning it in my little mind!
Your son is a hoot! And you should definitely do the sock thing. You and he can have a nice private joke about it. Maybe it will even turn into a Christmas tradition. :)
You WILL get a copy of your original birth certificate next Friday. I spoke with the Vital Records office yesterday, and they have found every single one of the OBCs of the pre-registered people. So if you pre-registered, they already have it in hand, and are waiting for you to show up at 8am on 01/02/09.
You do know, M.E., that when you stop believing in Christmas is when you get underwear for a present... Therefor I DO believe... I don't think underwear is any fun, even at almost 64, at least not for Christmas. Birthday maybe, but not Christmas...
A week from Friday it is. We'll all be waiting...
You TOTALLY should do the sock thing! He sounds a lot like my Kyle; just a delight. Sense of humor is such a gift (and so attractive in a man :) Good luck with the paperwork; I have been praying for you.
And thanks for the sweet, sweet comment today; you're a gem.
He sounds like he would be SO much fun. I too would do the sock thing just to get his reaction. I would also do the boxers thing just to see if he would put them on his head; and then take pictures so we can laugh too. :)
YAY, 10 days! WOO HOO! Can't wait to see what you find out.
Oh, and Merry Christmas to you and yours.
Hello there, i somehow stumbled upon your blog and started reading a few... hope you don't mind. Anyways, all of the ones i read made me giggle and smile, especially this one. I'll be back again to read how your journey turns out. I wish you well and hope that it brings you gobs of happiness.
p.s. stop by my blog anytime.
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